Pauline Menez
+ 33 (0)1 44 94 83 83 – pauline@hugot.fr
Pauline joined the firm in May 2021, after working for the MADRIGALL publishing group (Editions Gallimard – Flammarion) and then for ARTLAW law firm.
Pauline’s practice focuses on complex civil and criminal litigation cases (copyright infringement, trademark law, general civil law disputes, inheritance law, press law, art market law) for French and international individuals, companies and high profile families in the creative industries.
She participates in the development of defense strategies and appropriate legal solutions, in consultation with clients.
Her litigation experience enriches the advice she gives to clients in contractual negotiations (sale agreements) and settlements.
Detailed skills
Copyright law, Trademark law, Press law, Inheritance law, General civil law
- Paris Bar
- Master 2 Droit de la Propriété Littéraire, Artistique et Industrielle (Paris II Panthéon Assas, Professor P.Y. Gautier)
- Master 1 General Private Law (Orléans)
- Classe Préparatoire aux Grandes Ecoles (Modern Literature)