Olivia Millié
+ 33 (0)1 44 94 83 83 – olivia@hugot.fr
Olivia joined the team in September 2024, after working for over 3 years in the intellectual property department of an international business law firm, where she developed extensive expertise in trademarks and intellectual property law (in civil and criminal litigation, as well as in consulting).
Her previous experience in publishing houses and with the 3rd chamber of the Paris Court of First Instance, specialized in intellectual property, gives her a cross-disciplinary approach and enables her to deal with the full range of intellectual property issues in various creative sectors (fashion, perfumery, photography, visual arts, music, audiovisual, publishing, media, advertising, architecture, etc.).
Olivia also handles commercial litigation (brutal breach of established commercial relations, disparagement, unfair competition, parasitism…) and criminal litigation (press law, defamation and insult).
Detailed skills
Literary and artistic property law, Trademark law, Design law, Unfair competition and parasitism, Press law, General civil law.
- Certificat d’aptitude à la profession d’avocat (Paris).
- Master 2 Propriété industrielle et artistique ”, Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne, Professeur Pollaud-Dulian (Thesis: ‘ le champ d’application de l’exception de courte citation en droit d’auteur ’).
- Master 1 International Business Law, Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne.
- Double degree in Law and Philosophy, Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne.